The Biggest Data Leaks in the History
Maybe you have been a victim of data leak? We have been a victim of a data leak and of course that wasn’t a nice experience when somebody messed up our google calendar in the following days. This is one of many examples. So, let’s get deeper into some of the biggest data leaks in the history.👀
One of the biggest know data leaks happened in 2013 when data was leaked from one of biggest computer software company Adobe Inc. Around 153 million users’ records was leaked and that included such personal information as passwords, credit card information, names. 🧯Adobe Inc. was sued owner this data leak but fine was only 1 million USD.
Next, also in 2013 Yahoo data base was breached by a group of hackers.📧 Hackers compromised 3 billion accounts of Yahoo users. This was the biggest data breach at that time and only in 2017 Yahoo admitted that not 1 billion accounts been compromised but 3 billion at that time that was all of the users.
Another huge data leak happened in 2016 when 412 million account information was leaked. And this information included names, passwords and email addresses of people that used the services of Friend Finder Network. This company is orientated to adult entertainment, online dating. This kind of leak have probably affected quite a few relationships. And this was not the first time that this kind of data breach happened to this company in 2015 around 3,5 million users were affected.🔍
Very similar leak accrued in 2020 when 10 billion record was leaked from CAM4 such information as full name, email addresses, sexual orientation, chats, password, IP addresses and payments logs were leaked. 🔐This information is very personal especially as CAM4 is a live streaming website which specializes in streaming nudity, sexual activity.
Be careful what information you are giving to all kind of service providers because you can never know when and how that information could be leaked and used against you.
Stay safe and use hard to crack passwords!📣